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Gender and the Large and Shiny Instruments (GALSI) is an initiative started in 2021 by percussionist Beth Higham-Edwards and horn-player Letty Stott to promote gender equality for instrumentalists. We were later joined by percussionist Rebecca Celebuski and run GALSI alongside our freelance careers. 

GALSI aims to address gender imbalances for instrumentalists. We play large instruments that have not traditionally been viewed as ‘feminine’ choices in recent historical times. This attitude continues to permeate through symphony orchestras and professional ensembles, with worryingly few jobs in brass and percussion held by women, evidenced by data collected in 2024 of full-time symphony orchestras and conservatoires in the UK

We are working towards achieving our aim for gender equality for instrumentalists through four routes:

Advocacy - we regularly speak on panels and podcasts (including at the ABO conference 2022), host round table discussions, and chat with industry professionals and music services, as well as carry our message into our daily work.

Education - we believe that education and the encouragement of young people is key to changing the landscape. In October 2022 we piloted our first holiday course for young women and non-binary people in brass and percussion, and now run this annually during the October half-term. 

Community - we are fostering a supportive community amongst those who face barriers to the music profession due to their gender. 

Spotlighting - we love shouting about fabulous instrumentalists! We often spotlight people on our social media and curate events, such as with Royal Albert Hall's Late Night Jazz series.

The GALSI Theme Tune


  • 27 Mar 2025, 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
    Feel Good Club, 26-28 Hilton St, Manchester M1 2EH, UK
    A meet-up for for women and non-binary people in brass, percussion, and double bass and/or any instrument in which you are a gender minority.
  • 01 Jun 2025, 10:30 am – 4:30 pm
    London, Prince Consort Rd, South Kensington, London SW7 2BS, UK
    One-day workshop for female and non-binary double bass players aged 8-25 years old. More details to come soon - make sure you are subscribed to our mailing list to receive all of the information. Registration will open in April
  • 28 Oct 2025, 10:00 pm – 29 Oct 2025, 4:30 pm
    London, Prince Consort Rd, South Kensington, London SW7 2BS, UK
    This two day course is open to anyone who plays a brass or percussion instrument, is from age 8 - 18 years old, and identifies as female or non-binary. Expect a fun and interactive course that celebrates playing large and shiny instruments! Registration will open in September.
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